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It’s up to us to make our issues a top priority for our elected leaders – and it begins with our voice being heard loud and clear at the ballot box.

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Reproductive Freedom

The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade so now it’s up to states to pass policies around abortion access

Decisions about abortions should be left to women and their doctors—not politicians. Local elections will determine your healthcare choices!

This November, Arizonans will vote on a ballot initiative that, if passed, would establish abortion asa fundamental right in the Arizona State Constitution. Learn more about the Arizonans for Abortion Access ballot measure!

Climate Change

July 2023 in Phoenix was the hottest month ever recorded in an American city

and the entire Southwest is dealing with life-threatening heat. 645 Arizonans and over 300 Nevadans died from extreme heat last year. We need to act now to address climate change but there is good news!

We have the tools and technology to confront the problem, improve our public health and establish our regional economy as a clean energy superpower.

Immigration Reform

Leaders of value

Every election season, immigrant communities are demonized and disrespected as political “wedge” issues. In June, President Biden issued an executive order to create legal protections for the undocumented spouses of US citizens and a small number of young people. This is a small positive step but we must demand more.

Meanwhile, Arizona ballot measure Prop 314 would turn local law enforcement into de facto Border Patrol agents. If passed, this measure jeopardizes the safety of local communities and is likely illegal since the US Supreme Court has ruled immigration enforcement is a federal issue, not state or local.

Nevada provides eligible undocumented residents, including DACA recipients, with access to in-state tuition, state financial aid, professional and occupational licenses, and driver licenses and state identification.

Economic Opportunities

Creating Pathways to better Jobs

Prices are rising as the economy continues to recover from the COVID pandemic and many Americans are struggling to make ends meet. Economic policy is set at the federal, state and local level so almost every election this year will have an impact on creating pathways to lowering costs and creating good jobs.

The cost of housing, whether you’re buying or renting, has gotten out of control. There are various potential solutions, and your vote can support policies and candidates who prioritize reducing inflation and ending price gouging, expanding economic and educational opportunities for all, and helping our most vulnerable populations.

LGBTQ+ Rights

Vote for inclusion, diversity and individual freedom

Family values should be accepting or embracing all members of the family, regardless of sexual or gender identity. Like immigrants, LGBTQ+ Americans have been demonized and disrespected just for who they are and who they love. Politics of intolerance and hate can only be overcome when voters support the policies of inclusion, social justice and civil rights.

Gun Violence

Vote for safe communities

From the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to the horrific Mandalay Bay music festival attack, both Arizona & Nevada have experienced high-profile mass shootings in recent years.

There is often much less media coverage around everyday gun violence, yet, thousands of Arizona and Nevada residents are killed or injured by senseless gun violence every year.

Our elected leaders decide whether or not to keep our communities safe by making it a priority to reduce gun violence.